To which extend nuclear physics and GW170817 constrain the neutron star equation of state? [CL]

Gravitational waves from neutron-star mergers are expected to provide stringent constraints on the structure of neutron stars. At the same time, recent advances in nuclear theory have enabled reliable calculations of the low density equation of state using effective field theory based Hamiltonians and advanced techniques to solve the quantum many-body problem. In this paper, we address how the first observation of gravitational waves from GW170817 can be combined with modern calculations of the equation of state to extract useful insights about the equation of state of matter encountered inside neutron stars. We analyze the impact of various uncertainties and we show that the tidal deformability extracted from GW170817 is compatible, while less constraining, than modern nuclear physics knowledge.

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I. Tews, J. Margueron and S. Reddy
Tue, 28 May 19

Comments: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1901.09874