An excess of non-Gaussian fluctuations in the cosmic infrared background consistent with gravitational lensing [CEA]

The cosmic infrared background (CIB) is gravitationally lensed. A quadratic-estimator technique that is inherited from lensing analyses of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) can be applied to detect the CIB lensing effects. However, the CIB fluctuations are intrinsically strongly non-Gaussian, making CIB lensing reconstruction highly biased. We perform numerical simulations to estimate the intrinsic non-Gaussianity and establish a cross-correlation approach to precisely extract the CIB lensing signal from raw data. We apply this technique to CIB data from the Planck satellite and cross-correlate the resulting lensing estimate with the CIB data, galaxy number counts and the CMB lensing potential. We detect an excess that is consistent with a lensing contribution at $>4\sigma$.

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C. Feng and G. Holder
Tue, 7 May 19

Comments: 13 pages, 7 figures