Minimal Two-component Scalar Doublet Dark Matter with Radiative Neutrino Mass [CL]

We propose a minimal extension of the Standard Model to accommodate two-component dark matter (DM) and light neutrino mass. The symmetry of the Standard Model is enhanced by an unbroken $\mathbb{Z}2 \times \mathbb{Z}’_2$ such that being odd under each $\mathbb{Z}_2$, there exists one right handed neutrino and one inert scalar doublet. Therefore, each of the $\mathbb{Z}_2$ sectors contribute to ($i$) light neutrino masses radiatively similar to the scotogenic models while ($ii$) the two neutral CP even scalars present in two additional inert doublets play the role of dark matters. Focussing on the intermediate range of inert scalar doublet DM scenario: $M_W \leq M{\rm DM} \lesssim 500 \; {\rm GeV}$, where one scalar doublet DM can not satisfy correct relic, we show that this entire range becomes allowed within this two-component scalar doublet DM, thanks to the inter-conversion between the two DM candidates in presence of neutrino Yukawa couplings with dark sector.

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D. Borah, R. Roshan and A. Sil
Thu, 11 Apr 19

Comments: 31 pages, 13 figures