ASASSN-15pz: Revealing Significant Photometric Diversity Among 2009dc-like, Peculiar Type Ia Supernovae [HEAP]

We report comprehensive multi-wavelength observations of a peculiar Type Ia-like supernova (“SN Ia-pec”) ASASSN-15pz. ASASSN-15pz is a spectroscopic “twin” of SN 2009dc (a so-called “Super-Chandrasekhar-mass” SN) from pre-peak to nebular phases, but it has a peak luminosity M_B,peak = -19.69 +/- 0.12 mag that is \approx 0.6 mag dimmer than SN 2009dc and is comparable to the SN 1991T sub-class of SNe Ia located at the luminous end of the width-luminosity relation. The synthesized Ni56 mass of M_Ni56 = 1.13 +/- 0.14 M_sun is also substantially less than several 2009dc-like SNe. Previous well-studied 2009dc-like SNe have generally suffered from large and uncertain host-galaxy extinction, which is negligible for ASASSN-15pz. The post-peak (B-V) color curves of SN 2009dc and ASASSN-15pz have essentially identical slopes, based on which we estimate the host selective extinction of SN 2009dc (E(B-V)_host=0.12 mag) and confirm the high luminosity of SN 2009dc (M_B, peak[2009dc] \approx -20.3 mag). The 2009dc-like SN population, whose rate is on the order of ~1% relative to SNe Ia, exhibit a range of peak luminosities, and do not fit onto the tight width-luminosity relation. Their optical light curves also show significant diversity of late-time (>~ 50 d) decline rates. The nebular-phase spectra provide powerful diagnostics to identify the 2009dc-like events as a distinct class from SNe Ia and other SNe Ia-pec. To refer to this class, we suggest the phenomenology-based “2009dc-like SN Ia-pec” instead of “Super-Chandrasekhar SN Ia”, which is based on an uncertain theoretical interpretation.

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P. Chen, S. Dong, B. Katz, et. al.
Tue, 9 Apr 19

Comments: 21 pages, 16 figures, submitted to ApJ