High Resolution Soft Chandra Images of the Ionization Region of NGC 2110 [GA]


We report an extra-nuclear ~1” (~170 pc) feature found in the soft (<1.0 keV) Chandra data of the Seyfert 2 Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) NGC 2110. This feature is elongated to the north of the nucleus and its shape matches well that of the optical lines and H2 emission observed in this region, which is devoid of CO 2-1 emission. The Chandra image completes the emerging picture of a multi-phase circumnuclear medium excited by the X-rays from the AGN, with dense warm molecular clouds emitting in H2 but depleted of CO 2-1 emission.

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G. Fabbiano, A. Paggi and M. Elvis
Fri, 5 Apr 19

Comments: submitted to ApJ Letters