The HelMod Model in the Works for Inner and Outer Heliosphere: from AMS to Voyager Probes Observations [CL]

HelMod is a Monte Carlo code developed to describe the transport of Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCRs) through the heliosphere from the interstellar space to the Earth. In the current HelMod version 4 the modulation process, based on Parker’s equation, is applied to the propagation of GCRs in the inner and outer heliosphere, i.e., including the heliosheath. HelMod was proved to reproduce protons, nuclei and electrons cosmic rays spectra observed during solar cycles 23-24 by several detectors, for instance, PAMELA, BESS and AMS-02. In particular, the unprecedented accuracy of AMS-02 observations allowed one a better tuning of the description regarding the solar modulation mechanisms implemented in HelMod. In addition, HelMod demonstrated to be capable of reproducing the uxes observed by the Voyager probes in the inner and outer regions of heliosphere up to its border.

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M. Boschini, S. Torre, M. Gervasi, et. al.
Tue, 19 Mar 19

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