The Challenges of Observing, Calibrating, and Modeling Stellar Spectral Energy Distributions [SSA]

While optical and quantum efficiency are on the rise, and spectrographs becoming massively multiplexed, measuring spectral energy distributions of astronomical sources with accuracy remains a challenge. In addition to atmospheric refraction, extinction, variability, and limited apertures of instrument entrance slits and optical fibers, accurate calibration is hampered by issues such as a limited choice of reliable standard stars. Modeling stellar spectral energy distributions has seen good progress, but some weaknesses survive, especially for late-type stars. This article provides an overview of these matters and discusses observation, calibration, and modeling strategies for future large spectroscopic surveys.

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C. Prieto
Tue, 19 Mar 19

Comments: 6 pages, 3 figures, soon to appear in the proceedings of the meeting Radiative Signatures from the Cosmos, A Meeting in honor of Ivan Hubeny, October 2018, Paris, published in the ASP Conf. Series