The L/T transition is an important evolutionary phase in brown dwarf atmospheres, providing us with a unique opportunity to explore the effects of clouds, convection, winds, gravity and metallicity across a very narrow temperature range. Understanding these physical processes is critical for understanding ultracool atmospheres. In the next decade, we will answer three key questions regarding L/T transition atmospheres: 1. What is the physical mechanism behind the L/T transition? 2. What is the spatial extent of atmospheric structures at the L/T transition? 3. How do gravity and metallicity affect the L/T transition? The theory and methods developed for brown dwarfs will be used in the 2030s and beyond for solar-system age giant exoplanets and eventually habitable zone earth analogues. Developing these techniques now are crucial.
J. Vos, K. Allers, D. Apai, et. al.
Mon, 18 Mar 19
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