Neutrino Telescope at Yemilab, Korea [CL]

A new underground lab, Yemilab, is being constructed in Handuk iron mine, Korea. The default design of Yemilab includes a space for a future neutrino experiment. We propose to build a water-based liquid scintillator (WbLS) detector of 4$\sim$5 kiloton size at the Yemilab. The WbLS technology combines the benefits from both water and liquid scintillator (LS) in a single detector so that low energy physics and rare event searches can have higher sensitivities due to the larger size detector with increased light yield. No experiment has ever used a WbLS technology since it still needs some R&D studies, as currently being performed by THEIA group. If this technology works successfully with kiloton scale detector at Yemilab then it can be applied to future T2HKK (Hyper-K 2$^{nd}$ detector in Korea) to improve its physics potentials especially in the low energy region.

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S. Seo
Thu, 14 Mar 19

Comments: 13 pages, 6 figures