The fate of binaries in the Galactic Center: The Mundane and the Exotic [SSA]

The Galactic Center (GC) is dominated by the gravity of a super-massive black hole (SMBH), Sagittarius A$^*$, and is suspected to contain a sizable population of binary stars. Such binaries form hierarchical triples with the SMBH, undergoing Eccentric Kozai-Lidov (EKL) evolution, which can lead to high eccentricity excitations for the binary companions’ mutual orbit. This effect can lead to stellar collisions or Roche-lobe crossings, as well as orbital shrinking due to tidal dissipation. In this work we investigate the dynamical and stellar evolution of such binary systems, especially with regards to the binaries’ post-main-sequence evolution. We conduct a large Monte-Carlo simulation including the effects of EKL, tides, general relativity, and stellar evolution. We use the dynamical break-up of binaries by scattering interactions with passing stars as a time limit for our simulations. We find that the majority of binaries (~75%) is eventually separated into single stars, joining the large population of singles in the GC, while the remaining binaries (~25%) undergo phases of common-envelope evolution and/or stellar mergers. These mergers or common-envelope binaries can produce a number of different exotic outcomes, including rejuvenated stars, G2-like infrared-excess objects, stripped giant stars, Type Ia supernovae (SNs), cataclysmic variables (CVs), symbiotic binaries (SBs), or compact object binaries. In particular, we estimate that, within a sphere of 250 Mpc radius, about 7.5 to 15 Type Ia SNs, on average, per year should occur in galactic nuclei due to this mechanism, potentially detectable by ZTF and ASAS-SN. Likewise we estimate that, within a sphere of 1 Gpc$^3$ volume, about 10 to 20 compact object binaries form per year that could become gravitational wave sources.

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A. Stephan, S. Naoz, A. Ghez, et. al.
Mon, 4 Mar 19

Comments: 8 pages, 3 figures, submitted to ApJL