Host galaxies of merging compact objects: mass, star formation rate, metallicity and colours [GA]

Characterizing the properties of the host galaxies of merging compact objects provides essential clues to interpret current and future gravitational-wave detections. Here, we investigate the stellar mass, star formation rate (SFR), metallicity and colours of the host galaxies of merging compact objects in the local Universe, by combining the results of MOBSE population-synthesis models together with galaxy catalogs from the EAGLE simulation. We predict that the stellar mass of the host galaxy is an excellent tracer of the merger rate per galaxy ${\rm n}{\rm GW}$ of double neutron stars (DNSs), double black holes (DBHs) and black hole-neutron star binaries (BHNSs). We find a significant correlation also between ${\rm n}{\rm GW}$ and SFR. As a consequence, ${\rm n}_{\rm GW}$ correlates also with the $r-$band luminosity and with the $g-r$ colour of the host galaxies. Interestingly, $\gtrsim{}60$ %, $\gtrsim{}64$ % and $\gtrsim{}73$ % of all the DNSs, BHNSs and DBHs merging in the local Universe lie in early-type galaxies, such as NGC 4993. We predict a local DNS merger rate density of $\sim{}238~{\rm Gpc}^{-3}~{\rm yr}~^{-1}$ and a DNS merger rate $\sim{}16-121$ Myr$^{-1}$ for Milky Way-like galaxies. Thus, our results are consistent with both the DNS merger rate inferred from GW170817 and the one inferred from Galactic DNSs.

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M. Artale, M. Mapelli, N. Giacobbo, et. al.
Mon, 4 Mar 19

Comments: 14 pages, 10 figures, submitted to MNRAS. Comments welcome!