A Spectroscopic Analysis of the California-Kepler Survey Sample: I. Stellar Parameters, Planetary Radii and a Slope in the Radius Gap [EPA]


We present results from a quantitative spectroscopic analysis conducted on archival Keck/HIRES high-resolution spectra from the California-$Kepler$ Survey (CKS) sample of transiting planetary host stars identified from the $Kepler$ mission. The spectroscopic analysis was based on a carefully selected set of Fe I and Fe II lines, resulting in precise values for the stellar parameters of effective temperature (T${\rm eff}$) and surface gravity (log $g$). Combining the stellar parameters with $Gaia$ DR2 parallaxes and precise distances, we derived both stellar and planetary radii for our sample, with a median internal uncertainty of 2.8$\%$ in the stellar radii and 3.7$\%$ in the planetary radii. An investigation into the distribution of planetary radii confirmed the bimodal nature of this distribution for the small radius planets found in previous studies, with peaks at: $\sim$1.47 $\pm$ 0.05 R${\oplus}$ and $\sim$2.72 $\pm$ 0.10 R${\oplus}$, with a gap at $\sim$ 1.9R${\oplus}$. Previous studies that modeled planetary formation that is dominated by photo-evaporation predicted this bimodal radii distribution and the presence of a radius gap, or photo-evaporation valley. Our results are in overall agreement with these models. The high internal precision achieved here in the derived planetary radii clearly reveal the presence of a slope in the photo-evaporation valley for the CKS sample, indicating that the position of the radius gap decreases with orbital period; this decrease was fit by a power law of the form R$_{pl}$ $\propto$ P$^{-0.11}$, which is consistent with photo-evaporation and Earth-like core composition models of planet formation.

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C. Martinez, K. Cunha, L. Ghezzi, et. al.
Mon, 4 Mar 19

Comments: 33 pages, 13 figures