Gemini NIFS survey of feeding and feedback in nearbyActive Galaxies – III. Ionized versus warm molecular gasmasses and distributions [GA]

We have used the Gemini Near-Infrared Integral Field Spectrograph (NIFS) in the J and K bands to map the distribution, excitation and kinematics of the ionized H\,{\sc ii} and warm molecular gas H$2$, in the inner few 100\,pc of 6 nearby active galaxies: NGC\,788, Mrk\,607, NGC\,3227, NGC\,3516, NGC\,5506, NGC\,5899. {For most galaxies, this is the first time that such maps have been obtained}. The ionized and H$_2$ gas show distinct kinematics: while the H$_2$ gas is mostly rotating in the galaxy plane with low velocity dispersion ($\sigma$), the ionized gas usually shows signatures of outflows associated with higher $\sigma$ values, most clearly seen in the [Fe\,{\sc ii}] emission line. These two gas species also present distinct flux distributions: the H$_2$ is more uniformly spread over the whole galaxy plane, while the ionized gas is more concentrated around the nucleus and/or collimated along the ionization axis of its Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN), presenting a steeper gradient in the average surface mass density profile than the H$_2$ gas. The total H\,{\sc ii} masses cover the range $2\times\,10^5-2\times\,10^7$\,M${\odot}$, with surface mass densities in the range 3–150\,M${\odot}$\,pc$^{-2}$, while for the warm H$_2$ the values are 10$^{3-4}$ times lower. We estimate that the available gas reservoir is at least $\approx$\,100 times more massive than needed to power the AGN. If this gas form new stars the star-formation rates, obtained from the Kennicutt-schmidt scalling relation, are in the range 1–260$\times$ 10$^{-3}$ M${\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$. But the gas will also — at least in part — be ejected in the form of the observed otflows.

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A. Jr., T. Storchi-Bergmann, R. Riffel, et. al.
Wed, 20 Feb 19

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