A New Analysis Procedure for Detecting Periodicities within Complex Solar Coronal Arcades [SSA]


We study intensity variations, as measured by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), in a solar coronal arcade using a newly developed analysis procedure that employs spatio-temporal auto-correlations. We test our new procedure by studying large-amplitude oscillations excited by nearby flaring activity within a complex arcade and detect a dominant periodicity of 12.5 minutes. We compute this period in two ways: from the traditional time-distance fitting method and using our new auto-correlation procedure. The two analyses yield consistent results. The auto-correlation procedure is then implemented on time series for which the traditional method would fail due to the complexity of overlapping loops and a poor contrast between the loops and the background. Using this new procedure, we discover the presence of small-amplitude oscillations within the same arcade with 8-minute and 10-minute periods prior and subsequent to the large-amplitude oscillations, respectively. Consequently, we identify these as “decayless” oscillations that have only been previously observed in non-flaring loop systems.

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F. Allian, R. Jain and B. Hindman
Tue, 19 Feb 19

Comments: Submitted to APJ