Low state transitions in the nova-like cataclysmic variable HS 0506+7725 [SSA]


The twelve-year light curve of the nova-like cataclysmic variable HS 0506+7725 between 2006 April and 2018 November is presented. This shows that the star spends most of the time in a normal state at magnitude ~14.7, but multiple excursions to a fainter state at magnitude 16.0 to 17.0 were apparent. These normal state/low state transitions of up to 2.3 magnitudes are typical of the VY Scl subclass of CVs. The second of these fading episodes was the best characterised as its return to normal brightness was also observed. The complete transition lasted about 43 days. Further monitoring of this system by amateur astronomers is encouraged to identify and characterise future low states.

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J. Shears
Wed, 13 Feb 19

Comments: Accepted for publication in the Journal of the British Astronomical Association. 7 pages, 2 figures