He-accreting WD: Nucleosynthesis in the extreme binary system (1.02+0.30) M$_\odot$ [SSA]


We investigate the evolutionary properties of AM~CVn stars with massive white dwarf donors and accretors. As a representative of them we consider a binary initially composed by a 0.30 M$\odot$, He WD and a 1.02 M$\odot$, CO WD. We evaluate the time-dependent mass transfer rate from the donor and compute the evolution of the accretor, accounting for the effects of mass exchange on the evolution of orbital parameters. We model the thermal response of the accreting CO WD with the FUN evolutionary code coupled to a full nuclear network, from H to Bi, including more than 700 isotopes linked by about 1000 nuclear processes. We find that accretors in these systems evolve through the stages of steady He-burning and mild and strong He-flashes and become at the end CO WDs capped by a massive ($\sim 0.1$ M$_\odot$) He-rich buffer. During He-flashes (both mild and strong) the temperature in the He-shell increases above $3\times 10^8$ K, so that the ${^{22}Ne}(\alpha,n){^{25}Mg}$ reaction becomes efficient and $n$-rich isotopes can be produced. During the RLOF episodes triggered by strong non-dynamical He-flashes matter enriched in $\alpha$-elements and $n$-rich isotopes is ejected, polluting the interstellar medium. Our results strongly suggest that massive AM CVn systems with WD donors do not experience a final very strong dynamical He-flash driving an explosive event like SN .Ia. Though the ejected matter is highly enriched in heavy isotopes, the relative contribution of massive AM CVn systems to the Galactic chemical evolution is, most probably, negligible due to their expected paucity.

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L. Piersanti, L. Yungelson, S. Cristallo, et. al.
Thu, 3 Jan 19

Comments: 14 pages, 13 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for the publication on MNRAS