Dark Matter Distribution of Four Low-z Clusters of Galaxies [CEA]


We present here the methods and first results of our systematic study of $\sim 10^{14}\ M_{\odot}$ mass substructure in low-redshift ($z<0.12$) clusters. This work capitalizes on the wide field of view of the Dark Energy Camera at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, which we use to obtain deep, multi-wavelength imaging of all targets. Projected mass maps of the clusters are made using weak gravitational lensing, which requires no assumptions about the underlying baryonic physics or dynamical state of the clusters. We fit photometric redshifts to all observed galaxies to filter out cluster galaxies before weak lensing analysis. Redshifts are also used to provide mass normalizations through the fitting of NFW halos to the two-dimensional tangential ellipticity signal. As a result, we detect the clusters in aperture mass maps at high significance. We also observe the weak lensing signal of several substructures and high-redshift clusters, which we will investigate in a forthcoming paper.

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J. McCleary, I. dell’Antonio and A. Linden
Fri, 21 Dec 18

Comments: 29 pages, 18 figures