Effects of the surrounding primordial black holes on the merger rate of primordial black hole binaries [CEA]


We develop an analytic formalism for computing the merger rate of primordial black hole binaries with a general mass function by taking into account the torques by the surrounding primordial black holes and linear density perturbations. We find that $\alpha=-(m_{i}+m_{j})^2\partial^{2} \ln {\mathcal R}(m_{i},m_{j})/\partial m_{i} \partial m_{j}=36/37$ is independent of the mass function. Moreover, the ratio of the merger rate density of primordial black hole binaries by taking into account the torques by the surrounding primordial black holes to by the nearest primordial black hole is independent of the masses of binaries.

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L. Liu, Z. Guo and R. Cai
Fri, 14 Dec 18

Comments: 7 pages, 2 figures