WASP-166b: a bloated super-Neptune transiting a V = 9 star [EPA]


We report the discovery of WASP-166b, a super-Neptune planet with a mass of 0.1 Mjup and a bloated radius of 0.63 Rjup. It transits a V = 9.36, F9V star in a 5.44-d orbit that is aligned with the stellar rotation (lambda = -3 +/- 5 degrees). WASP-166b appears to be a rare object within the `Neptune desert’. The planet’s low surface gravity and bright host star make it a promising target for atmospheric characterisation. There are variations in the radial-velocity measurements that might result from stellar magnetic activity.

Read this paper on arXiv…

C. Hellier, D. Anderson, A. Triaud, et. al.
Wed, 14 Nov 18

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