Confirming the Detection of two WHIM Systems along the Line of Sight to 1ES 1553+113 [CEA]

We present a re-analysis, with newly acquired atomic data, of the two detections of two highly ionized intervening OVII absorbers reported by Nicastro and collaborators (2018). We confirm both intervening Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium OVII detections, and revise statistical significance and physical parameters of the absorber at $z=0.4339$ in light of its partial contamination by Galactic interstellar medium NII K$\alpha$ absorption.

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F. Nicastro
Fri, 9 Nov 18

Comments: 8 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the Vulcano Workshop 2018 – Frontier Objects in Astrophysics and Particle Physics, 20-26 May 2018, Vulcano Island, Sicily, Italy, Frascati Physics Series, Vol. 66 (2018)