The relativistic dipole and gravitational redshift on LSS [CEA]

We compute the dipole of the galaxy correlation function at 1-loop in perturbation theory by including all the relevant relativistic contributions. This provides a description and understanding of what the dipole truly measures, in particular in relation to the gravitational redshift effect in Large Scale Structure. In order to develop this perturbative approach we have computed for the first time the relevant relativistic corrections to third order in perturbation theory. This perturbative approach agrees on a wide range of scales with good accuracy with previous numerical results based on geodesic light tracing in N-body simulations. Previous claims of gravitational redshift detection may have neglected several relativistic effects which are comparable with the amplitude of gravitational redshift around 10 Mpc/h scales and which complicate the gravitational redshift interpretation of the measurement.

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E. Dio and U. Seljak
Thu, 8 Nov 18

Comments: 25 pages, 6 figures