FirstLight III: Rest-frame UV-optical spectral energy distributions of simulated galaxies at cosmic dawn [GA]

Using the FirstLight database of 300 zoom-in cosmological simulations we provide rest- frame UV-optical spectral energy distributions of galaxies with complex star-formation histories that are coupled to the non-uniform gas accretion history of galactic halos during cosmic dawn. The population at any redshift is very diverse ranging from starbursts to quiescent galaxies even at a fixed stellar mass. This drives a redshift- dependent relation between UV luminosity and stellar mass with a large scatter, driven by the specific star formation rate. The UV slope and the production efficiency of Ly- man continuum photons have high values, consistent with dust-corrected observations. This indicates young stellar populations with low metallicities. The FirstLight simula- tions make predictions on the rest-frame UV-optical absolute magnitudes, colors and optical emission lines of galaxies at z=6-12 that will be observed for the first time with JWST and the next generation of telescopes in the coming decade.

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D. Ceverino, R. Klessen and S. Glover
Wed, 24 Oct 18

Comments: 10 pages+appendix , 11 figures. Submitted to MNRAS. The FirstLight database is available at this http URL