Stochastic Gravitational Waves from Particle Origin [CL]

We propose that there may be a substantial stochastic gravitational wave background from particle origin, mainly from the gravitational three-body decay of the inflaton. The emitted gravitons could constitute a sizable contribution to dark radiation if the mass of inflaton is close to the Planck scale, which can be probed by future CMB experiments that have a sensitivity on the deviation of the effective number of neutrinos in the standard cosmology, $\delta N_{\textrm{eff}}\sim 0.02 – 0.03$. We have also illustrated the spectrum of the radiated gravitational waves, in comparison to the current and future experiments, and found that gravitational waves from particle origin could be the dominant contribution to the energy density at high-frequency domain, but beyond the sensitivity regions of various experiments.

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K. Nakayama and Y. Tang
Fri, 12 Oct 18

Comments: 1+13 pages, 6 figures