r-process enrichment of ultra faint dwarf galaxies by fast merging double neutron stars [HEAP]


The recent aLIGO/aVirgo discovery of gravitational waves from the neutron star merger (NSM) GW170817 and the follow up kilonova observations have shown that NSMs produce copious amount of r-process material. However, it is difficult to reconcile the large natal kicks and long average merging times of Double Neutron Stars (DNSs), with the levels of r-process enrichment seen in ultra faint dwarf (UFD) galaxies such as Reticulum II and Tucana III. Assuming that such dwarf systems have lost a significant fraction of their stellar mass through tidal stripping, we conclude that contrary to most current models, it is the DNSs with rather large natal kicks but very short merging timescales that can enrich UFD-type galaxies. These binaries are either on highly eccentric orbits, or form with very short separations due to an additional mass-transfer between the first-born neutron star and a naked helium star, progenitor of the second-born neutron star. These DNSs are born with a frequency that agrees with the statistics of the r-process UFDs, and merge well within the virial radius of their host halos, therefore contributing significantly to their r-process enrichment.

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M. Safarzadeh, E. Ramirez-Ruiz, J. Andrews, et. al.
Thu, 11 Oct 18

Comments: submitted to ApJ