The Open Universe and Data-driven Astronomy [IMA]

Activities related to access to astronomical facilities and data could offer an effective, entry-level path for outreach and astronomy education. The Government of Italy proposed the Open Universe initiative that was adopted by the United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs. Education in astronomy is a key method to promoting rational thinking and the scientific method. We shall discuss how new methods using available data need to be used for outreach and education to help vizualise and understand actual data. We shall show, using GAIA DR2 data, how present data analysis and visualization tools can be used to identify star clusters, moving groups and runaway stars. Thus, with this example, real data can be used to understand stellar dynamics in the galaxy.

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P. Shah
Tue, 9 Oct 18

Comments: 2 pages, Poster in IAU’s role on global astronomy outreach, the latest challenges and bridging different communities, to Appear in Astronomy in Focus, IAU, GA