The Accretion History of AGN I: Supermassive Black Hole Population Synthesis Model [GA]

As matter accretes onto the central supermassive black holes in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), X-rays are emitted. We present a population synthesis model that accounts for the summed X-ray emission from growing black holes; modulo the efficiency of converting mass to X-rays, this is effectively a record of the accreted mass. We need this population synthesis model to reproduce observed constraints from X-ray surveys: the X-ray number counts, the observed fraction of Compton-thick AGN [log (N$_{\rm H}$/cm$^2$) > 24] and the spectrum of the Cosmic X-ray “background” (CXB), after accounting for selection biases. Over the past decade, X-ray surveys by XMM-Newton, Chandra, NuSTAR, and Swift-BAT have provided greatly improved observational constraints. We find that no existing X-ray luminosity function (XLF) consistently reproduces all these observations. We take the uncertainty in AGN spectra into account, and use a neural network to compute an XLF that fits all the observed constraints, including observed Compton-thick number counts and fractions. This new population synthesis model suggests that, intrinsically, 50$\pm$9% (56$\pm$7%) of all AGN within z $\sim$ 0.1 (1.0) are Compton-thick.

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T. Ananna, E. Treister, C. Urry, et. al.
Fri, 5 Oct 18

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