High entropy and evidence for a merger in the low surface brightness cluster Abell 2399 [HEAP]


We present results of the X-ray analyses of the nearby cluster of galaxies Abell 2399 ($z=0.058$) using the XMM-Newton and Suzaku satellites. This cluster is classified as a low surface brightness (LSB) cluster. It has a bimodal structure in X-rays, and the X-ray-emission peaks are significantly offset from the peaks in gas temperature. By de-projecting the annular spectra, the temperature and electron density in the central $r<0.1r_{200}$ region are measured to be 3.6~keV and $1.4\times10^{-3}~{\rm cm^{-3}}$, respectively.

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I. Mitsuishi, Y. Babazaki, N. Ota, et. al.
Tue, 2 Oct 18

Comments: 17 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in PASJ