A plethora of new R Coronae Borealis stars from a dedicated spectroscopic follow-up survey [SSA]


It is increasingly suspected that R Coronae Borealis (RCB) stars – rare hydrogen-deficient and carbon-rich supergiant stars – are the product of mergers of white-dwarfs in the intermediary mass regime ($0.6<M_{Tot}<1.2 M_{\odot}$). Only 78 RCB stars are currently known in our Galaxy while up to 1000 were expected. It is necessary to find more of these peculiar and diverse stars to understand their origin and evolutionary path. We are undertaking such a dedicated search. We plan to follow up spectroscopically 2356 targets of interest that were carefully selected using the all sky 2MASS and WISE surveys. We have observed nearly 500 of these targets using optical low-resolution spectrographs. These spectra were compared to synthetic spectra from a new grid of MARCs hydrogen-deficient atmospheric models. Classical RCB stars’ photospheric temperatures range mostly from 4000 K to about 8500 K, and therefore their spectra look very different showing the presence of carbon molecules C$2$ and CN up to $\sim$6800 K and solely atomic absorption lines above that. We have put in place a series of criteria to distinguish RCB stars from other AGB carbon-rich stars. We found 45 new RCB stars, including 30 Cold ($4000<T{eff}<6800$ K), 14 Warm ($6800<T_{eff}<8500$ K) and one hot RCB ($T_{eff}>10000$ K). Forty of these belong to the Milky Way and five are located in the Magellanic Clouds. We also confirmed that the long lasting candidate KDM 5651 is indeed a new Magellanic RCB star, increasing the total number of Magellanic Cloud RCB stars to 30. We have increased by $\sim$50\% the total number of RCB stars known, now reaching 147. We also include a list of 14 strong RCB candidates, most certainly observed during a dust obscuration phase. From the detection efficiency and success rate so far, we estimate that there should be no more than 500 RCB stars/HdC stars in the Milky Way.

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P. P.Tisserand, G. Clayton, M. Bessell, et. al.
Fri, 7 Sep 18

Comments: 20 pages, 15 figures