The initial conditions for planet formation: Turbulence driven by hydrodynamical instabilities in disks around young stars [EPA]

This review examines recent theoretical developments in our understanding of turbulence in cold, non-magnetically active, planetesimal forming regions of protoplanetary disks which we refer to throughout as “Ohmic zones”. We give a brief background introduction to the subject of disk turbulence followed by a terse pedagogical review of the phenomenology of hydrodynamic turbulence. The equations governing the dynamics of cold astrophysical disks are given and basic flow states are described. We discuss the Solberg-Hoiland conditions required for stability, and the three recently identified turbulence generating mechanisms possibly active in protoplanetary disk Ohmic zones, namely, (i) the Vertical Shear Instability, (ii) The Convective Overstability and (iii) the Zombie Vortex Instability. We summarize the properties of these processes, identify their limitations and discuss where and under what conditions these processes are active in protoplanetary disk Ohmic zones.

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W. Lyra and O. Umurhan
Tue, 28 Aug 18

Comments: Review to appear in Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (PASP). 30 pages, 16 figures. Referee report received. Comments welcome