Median Statistics Analysis of Deuterium Abundance Measurements and Spatial Curvature Constraints [CEA]

Zavarygin et al. (2018) compiled a list of 15 deuterium abundance measurements, discarded two because the remaining 13 measurements are then consistent with gaussianity, and found that the weighted mean baryon density (Omega_b h^2) determined from the 13 measurements is mildly discrepant (1.6sigma) with that determined from the Planck 2015 cosmic microwave background anisotropy data in a flat cosmogony. We find that a median statistic central estimate of Omega_b h^2 from all 15 deuterium abundance measurements is a more accurate estimate, is very consistent with Omega_b h^2 estimated from Planck 2015 data in a flat cosmogony, but is about 2sigma lower than that found in a closed cosmogonical model from the Planck 2015 data.

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J. Penton, J. Peyton, A. Zahoor, et. al.
Tue, 7 Aug 18

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