Tidal Interactions in Post Common-Envelope sdB Binaries [SSA]


Over half of all observed hot subdwarf B (sdB) stars are found in binaries, and over half of these are found in close configurations with orbital periods of 10$ \,\rm{d}$ or less. In order to estimate the companion masses in these predominantly single-lined systems, tidal locking has frequently been assumed for sdB binaries with periods less than half a day. Observed non-synchronicity of a number of close sdB binaries challenges that assumption and hence provides an ideal testbed for tidal theory. We solve the second-order differential equations for detailed 1D stellar models of sdB stars to obtain the tidal dissipation strength and hence to estimate the tidal synchronization time-scale owing to Zahn’s dynamical tide. The results indicate synchronization time-scales longer than the sdB lifetime in all observed cases. Further, we examine the roles of convective overshooting and convective dissipation in the core of sdB stars and find no theoretical framework in which tidally-induced synchronization should occur.

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H. Preece, C. Tout and C. Jeffery
Fri, 3 Aug 18

Comments: 13 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication by MNRAS