Chemistry During the Gas-rich Stage of Planet Formation [EPA]

In this chapter we outline some of the basic understanding of the chemistry that accompanies planet formation. We discuss the basic physical environment which dictates the dominant chemical kinetic pathways for molecule formation. We focus on three zones from both observational and theoretical perspectives: (1) the planet forming midplane and ice/vapor transition zones (snow-lines), (2) the warm disk surface that is shielded from radiation, which can be readily accessed by todays observational facilities, and (3) the surface photodissociation layers where stellar radiation dominates. We end with a discussion of how chemistry influences planet formation along with how to probe the link between formation and ultimate atmospheric composition for gas giants and terrestrial worlds.

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E. Bergin and L. Cleeves
Thu, 26 Jul 18

Comments: Invited review, accepted for publication in the ‘Handbook of Exoplanets’, eds. H.J. Deeg and J.A. Belmonte, Springer (2018); 29 pages, 12 figures