Using Gaia data release 2 (GDR2), we present an almanac of 2,509 predicted microlensing events, caused by 2,130 unique lens stars, that will peak between 25th July 2026 and the end of the century. This work extends and completes a thorough search for future microlensing events initiated by Bramich (2018) and Nielsen & Bramich (2018) using GDR2. The almanac includes 161 lenses that will cause at least two microlensing events. A few highlights are presented and discussed, including: (i) an astrometric microlensing event with a peak amplitude of ~9.7 mas, (ii) an event that will probe the planetary system of a lens with three known planets, and (iii) an event (resolvable from space) where the lens will brighten by a detectable amount (~2 mmag) due to the appearance of the minor source image.
D. Bramich and M. Nielsen
Wed, 27 Jun 18
Comments: Submitted to A&A 25th June. Almanac available on request. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1805.10630
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