Periodicity in the Light Curve of P Cygni – Indication for a Binary Companion? [SSA]

We use observations of the Luminous Blue Variable (LBV) P Cygni spanning seven decades, along with signal processing methods, to identify a periodicity in the stellar luminosity. We find a distinct period of 4.7$\pm$0.3 years together with shorter periods. The periodicity is a possible indication of a binary companion passing in an eclipse-like event from the dense LBV wind, and if so it is the first observational indication that P Cygni is a binary system. This may support models that contribute giant LBV eruptions to interaction with a binary companion. We discuss other interpretations for the periodicity as well.

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A. Michaelis, A. Kashi and N. Kochiashvili
Tue, 5 Jun 18

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