Presence of horizon makes particle motion chaotic [CL]

We analyze the motion of a massless particle very near to the event horizon. It reveals that the radial motion has exponential growing nature which is the signature of the presence of chaos in the particle motion. This is being confirmed by investigating the Poincar$\acute{e}$ section of the trajectories with the introduction of a harmonic trap to confine the particle’s motion. Two situations are investigated: (a) the black hole is {\it any} static, spherically metric and, (b) spacetime represents a stationary, axisymetric black hole (e.g., Kerr metric). In both cases, the largest Lyapunov exponent has upper bound which is the surface gravity of the horizon. We find that the inclusion of rotation in the spacetime introduces more chaotic fluctuations in the system. The possible implications are finally discussed.

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S. Dalui, B. Majhi and P. Mishra
Thu, 22 Mar 18

Comments: 5 pages + supplementary material, 6 figures