The CMB neutrino mass / vacuum energy degeneracy: a simple derivation of the degeneracy slopes [CEA]

It is well known that estimating cosmological parameters from cosmic microwave background (CMB) data alone results in a significant degeneracy between the total neutrino mass and several other cosmological parameters, especially the Hubble constant H_0 and the matter density parameter $\Omega_m$. Adding low-redshift measurements such as baryon acoustic oscillations (BAOs) breaks this degeneracy and greatly improves the constraints on neutrino mass. The sensitivity is surprisingly high, e.g. adding the $\sim 1$ percent measurement of the BAO ratio $r_s/D_V$ from the BOSS survey leads to a limit $\Sigma m_\nu < 0.19$ eV, equivalent to $\Omega_\nu < 0.0045$ at 95\% confidence. For the case of $\Sigma m_\nu < 0.6$ eV, the CMB degeneracy with neutrino mass almost follows a track of constant sound horizon angle (Howlett et al 2012). For a $\Lambda$CDM + $m_\nu$ model, we use simple but quite accurate analytic approximations to derive the slope of this track, giving dimensionless multipliers between the neutrino to matter ratio ($x_\nu \equiv \omega_\nu / \omega_{cb}$) and the shifts in other cosmological parameters. The resulting multipliers are substantially larger than 1: conserving the CMB sound horizon angle requires parameter shifts $\delta \ln H_0 \approx -2 \,\delta x_\nu$, $\delta \ln \Omega_m \approx +5 \, \delta x_\nu$, $\delta \ln \omega_\Lambda \approx -6.2 \, \delta x_\nu$, and most notably $\delta \omega_\Lambda \approx -14 \, \delta \omega_\nu$. These multipliers give an intuitive derivation of the degeneracy direction, which agrees well with the numerical likelihood results from the Planck team.

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W. Sutherland
Wed, 7 Mar 18

Comments: Latex, 9 pages, 2 figures. Accepted by MNRAS