Central accumulation of magnetic flux in massive Seyfert galaxies as a possible engine to trigger ultrahigh energy cosmic rays [HEAP]


In the present paper we investigate the production of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) from Seyferts. We discuss the UHECR luminosities obtained by two possible engine trigger models: pure radiative transfer and the energy extraction from poloidal magnetic flux. The first case is modeled by Kerr slim disk or Bondi accretion mechanisms. Since it is assumed that the broadband spectra of Seyferts indicate that at least the outer portions of their accretion disks are cold and geometrically thin, and since our results point that the consequent radiative energy transfer is inefficient, we build the second approach based on massive Seyferts with sufficient central poloidal magnetic field to trigger an outflow of magnetically driven charged particles capable to explain the observed UHECRs and gamma rays in Earth experiments from a given Seyfert source.

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R. Anjos and C. Coimbra-Araujo
Wed, 7 Mar 18

Comments: 3 figures