A cosmic Zevatron based on cyclotron auto-resonance [HEAP]


A Tevatron is an accelerator capable of imparting TeV energies to particles like a proton (1 TeV = $10^{12}$ eV). By analogy, a Zevatron is an accelerator scheme envisaged to accelerate particles to ZeV energies (1 ZeV = $10^{21}$ eV). Zevatron schemes have been proposed to explain the acceleration of ultra-high-energy-cosmic-ray (UHECR) particles detected on Earth since 1962. Here we show that nuclei of hydrogen, helium, and iron-56, may be accelerated to ZeV energies, if injected along the common direction of an existing ultra-strong magnetic field and a super-intense radiation field. This can happen if the injection speed, the magnetic field strength, the charge-to-mass ratio of the nucleus, and the radiation field frequency, are such that an auto-resonance condition is fulfilled, whereby the cyclotron frequency of the particle, around the magnetic field lines, matches the Doppler-shifted frequency of the radiation field.

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Y. Salamin
Tue, 20 Feb 18

Comments: 4 pages, 3 figures