The Milky Way Halo in Action Space [GA]

We analyse the structure of the local stellar halo of the Milky Way in action space using the SDSS–Gaia catalogue. The metal-rich population is more distended towards high radial action $J_R$ as compared to azimuthal or vertical action, $J_\phi$ or $J_z$. It has a mild prograde rotation $(\langle v_\phi \rangle \approx 25$ km s$^{-1}$), is radially anisotropic and highly flattened with axis ratio $q \approx 0.6 – 0.7$. The metal-poor population is more evenly distributed in all three actions. It has larger prograde rotation $(\langle v_\phi \rangle \approx 50$ km s$^{-1}$), a mild radial anisotropy and a roundish morphology ($q\approx 0.9$). The highest energy stars are predominantly metal-rich and strongly retrograde, suggesting an origin in a retrograde encounter, possibly the one that created the stripped dwarf galaxy nucleus, $\omega$Centauri. We argue the metal-rich component is most likely built from recent accretion of a single massive dwarf galaxy. The metal-poor component may be the residue of material lost from globular clusters, or the early accretion of small dwarfs. Also visible as a distinct entity in action space is a component related to the thick disk, which is flattened and prograde. It extends over a range of metallicities down to [Fe/H] $\approx -3$. It has a net outward radial velocity $\langle v_R \rangle \approx 12$ km s$^{-1}$ within the Solar circle at $|z| <3.5$ kpc. This suggests the sculpting effect of a dynamical resonance, probably due to the Galactic bar and linked to the Hercules stream, is present at extremely low metallicities.

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G. Myeong, N. Evans, V. Belokurov, et. al.
Mon, 12 Feb 18

Comments: ApJ (Letters), submitted