Light curve solutions of the eclipsing eccentric binaries KIC 8111622, KIC 10518735, KIC 8196180 and their out-of-eclipse variability [SSA]

We determined the orbits and stellar parameters of three eccentric eclipsing binaries by light curve solutions of their Kepler data. KIC 8111622 and KIC 10518735 undergo total eclipses while KIC 8196180 reveals partial eclipses. The target components are G and K stars, excluding the primary of KIC 8196180 which is early F star. KIC 8196180 reveals well-visible tidally-induced feature at periastron, i.e. it is an eclipsing heartbeat star. The characteristics of the observed periastron feature (shape, width and amplitude) confirm the theoretical predictions. There are additional out-of-eclipse variations of KIC 8196180 with the orbital period which may be explained by spot activity of synchronously rotating component. Besides worse visible periastron feature KIC 811162 exhibits small amplitude light variations whose period is around 2.3 times shorter than the orbital one. These oscillations were attributed to spot(s) on asynchronously rotating component.

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D. Kjurkchieva and D. Vasileva
Fri, 19 Jan 18

Comments: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Science. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1707.02488