Applications of deep learning to relativistic hydrodynamics [CL]

Relativistic hydrodynamics is a powerful tool to simulate the evolution of the quark gluon plasma (QGP) in relativistic heavy ion collisions. Using 10000 initial and final profiles generated from 2+1-d relativistic hydrodynamics VISH2+1 with MC-Glauber initial conditions, we train a deep neural network based on stacked U-net, and use it to predict the final profiles associated with various initial conditions, including MC-Glauber, MC-KLN and AMPT and TRENTo. A comparison with the VISH2+1 results shows that the network predictions can nicely capture the magnitude and inhomogeneous structures of the final profiles, and nicely describe the related eccentricity distributions $P(\varepsilon_n)$ (n=2, 3, 4). These results indicate that deep learning technique can capture the main features of the non-linear evolution of hydrodynamics, showing its potential to largely accelerate the event-by-event simulations of relativistic hydrodynamics.

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H. Huang, B. Xiao, H. Xiong, et. al.
Thu, 11 Jan 18

Comments: 4 pages, 3 figures