Strong CO$^+$ and N$_2^+$ Emission in Comet C/2016 R2 (Pan-STARRS) [EPA]

We report on imaging and spectroscopic observations of comet C/2016~R2 (Pan-STARRS) obtained with the 0.8\,m and 2.7\,m telescopes of McDonald Observatory in November and December 2017 respectively. The comet was at a heliocentric distance greater than 3\,{\sc au} during both sets of observations. The images showed a well-developed tail with properties that suggested it was an ion tail. The spectra confirmed that we were observing well-developed bands of CO$^+$ and N$_2^+$. The N$_2^+$ detection was unequivocally cometary and was one of the strongest bands of N$_2^+$ detected in a comet spectrum. We derived the ratio of these two ions and from that we were able to derive that N$_2$/CO = 0.15. This is the highest such ratio reported for a comet.

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A. Cochran and A. McKay
Mon, 8 Jan 18

Comments: Submitted to ApJ Letters, 6 pages with 3 figures, we encourage further observations