The Wind/EPACT proton event catalog (1996-2016) [SSA]

We present the finalized catalog of solar energetic proton events detected by Wind/EPACT instrument over the period 1996-2016. Onset times, peak times, peak proton intensity and onset-to-peak proton fluence are evaluated for the two available energy channels, at about 25 and 50 MeV. We describe the procedure utilized to identify the proton events and to relate them to their solar origin (in terms of flares and coronal mass ejections). The statistical relationships between the energetic protons and their origin (linear and partial correlation analysis) are reported and discussed in view of earlier findings. Finally, the different trends found in the first eight years of solar cycles 23 and 24 are discussed.

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R. Miteva, S. Samwel and M. Costa-Duarte
Wed, 3 Jan 2018

Comments: Accepted at Solar Physics Journal