Magnetic field buoyancy in accretion disks of young stars [SSA]

Buoyancy of the fossil magnetic field in the accretion disks of young stars is investigated. It is assumed that the Parker instability leads to the formation of slender flux tubes of toroidal magnetic field in the regions of effective magnetic field generation. Stationary solution of the induction equation is written in the form in which buoyancy is treated as the additional mechanism of the magnetic flux escape. We calculate the fossil magnetic field intensity in the accretion disks of young T Tauri stars for the cases when radius of the magnetic flux tubes $a_{\mathrm{mft}} = 0.1H$, $0.5 H$ or $1H$, where $H$ is the accretion disk height scale. Calculations show that the buoyancy limits toroidal magnetic field growth, so that its strength is comparable with the vertical magnetic field strength for the case $a_{\mathrm{mft}}=0.1H$.

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S. Khaibrakhmanov and A. Dudorov
Mon, 1 Jan 2018

Comments: published in PEPAN Letters