Staying ahead of the curve: progress in British variable star astronomy [SSA]

The BAA Variable Star Section is the world’s longest established organisation for the systematic observation of variable stars, having been formed in 1890. Its database contains nearly 3 million measurements going back to 1840 and is an important resource for researchers. The aim of this Presidential Address is to reveal some of the lesser known tales that lie deep within the database. This includes bringing to life stories about some of the people that were involved, especially in the early years, including Joseph Baxendell, Mary Adela Blagg and Arthur Stanley Williams, as well as shedding light on some of the stars that have been observed. Finally we look to the future as the Variable Star Section builds on the legacy of its forebears, ensuring that it shall always stay ahead of the curve.

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J. Shears
Fri, 15 Dec 17

Comments: 33 pages, 25 Figures. British Astronomical Association Presidential Address, 2016. Accepted for publication in the Journal of the British Astronomical Association