BANYAN. X. Discovery of a wide, low-gravity L-type companion to a fast-rotating M3 dwarf [SSA]

We report the discovery of a substellar-mass co-moving companion to 2MASS J22501512+2325342, an M3 candidate member of the young (130–200 Myr) AB Doradus Moving Group (ABDMG). This L3 beta companion was discovered in a 2MASS search for companions at separations of 3–18″ from a list of 2 812 stars suspected to be young (< 500 Myr) in the literature, and was confirmed with follow-up astrometry and spectroscopy. Evolutionary models yield a companion mass of 30 (-4,+11) Mj at the age of ABDMG. The 2MASS J22501512+2325342 AB system appears to be a spatial outlier to the bulk of ABDMG members, similarly to the young 2MASS J22362452+4751425 AB system. Future searches for young objects around these two systems would make it possible to determine whether they are part of a spatial extension of the known ABDMG distribution.

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M. Desrochers, E. Artigau, J. Gagne, et. al.
Fri, 1 Dec 17

Comments: 16 pages, 12 figures