Broadband Photometric Reverberation Mapping Analysis on SDSS-RM and Stripe 82 Quasars [GA]

We modified the broadband photometric reverberation mapping (PRM) code, JAVELIN, and tested the availability to get broad line region (BLR) time delays that are consistent with spectroscopic reverberation mapping (SRM) projects. Broadband light curves of SDSS-RM quasars produced by convolution with the system transmission curves were used in the test. We found that under similar sampling conditions (evenly and frequently sampled), the key factor determining whether the broadband PRM code can yield lags consistent with spectroscopic projects is the flux ratio of line to the reference continuum, which is in line with the previous findings. We further found a crucial line-to-continuum flux ratio, about 6\%, above which the mean of the ratios between the lags from PRM and SRM becomes closer to unity, and the scatter is pronouncedly reduced. We also tested our codes on a subset of Stripe 82 quasars, and found that our program tends to give biased lag estimations due to the observation gaps when the R-L relation prior in Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) is discarded. The performance of damped random walking (DRW) model and power-law (PL) structure function model on broadband PRM were compared. We found that given both SDSS-RM-like or Stripe 82-like light curves, DRW model performs better in carrying out broadband PRM than PL model.

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H. Zhang, Q. Yang and X. Wu
Wed, 8 Nov 17

Comments: 15 pages, 5 figures