Magnetic swirls and associated fast magnetoacoustic kink waves in a solar chromospheric flux tube [SSA]

We perform numerical simulations of impulsively generated magnetic swirls in an isolated flux tube which is rooted in the solar photosphere. These swirls are triggered by an initial pulse in a horizontal component of the velocity. The initial pulse is launched either: (a) centrally, within the localized magnetic flux tube; or (b) off-central, in the ambient medium. The evolution and dynamics of the flux tube is described by three-dimensional, ideal magnetohydrodynamic equations. These equations are numerically solved to reveal that in case (a) dipole-like swirls associated with the fast magnetoacoustic kink and $m=1$ Alfv\’en waves are generated. In case (b), the fast magnetoacoustic kink and $m=0$ Alfv\’en modes are excited. In both these cases, the excited fast magnetoacoustic kink and Alfv\’en waves consist of similar flow pattern and magnetic shells are also generated with clockwise and counter-clockwise rotating plasma within them, which can be the proxy of dipole-shaped chromospheric swirls. The complex dynamics of vortices and wave perturbations reveals the channelling of sufficient amount of energy to fulfill energy losses in the chromosphere ($\sim$ 10$^{4}$ W m$^{-1}$) and in the corona ($\sim$ 10$^{2}$ W m$^{-1}$). Some of these numerical findings are reminiscent of signatures in recent observational data.

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K. Murawski, P. Kayshap, A. Srivastava, et. al.
Tue, 24 Oct 17

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