Observing the circumgalactic medium of simulated galaxies through synthetic absorption spectra [GA]


We explore the multiphase structure of the circumgalactic medium (CGM) probed by synthetic spectra through a cosmological zoom-in galaxy formation simulation. We employ a Bayesian method for modeling a combination of absorption lines to derive physical properties of absorbers regardless of the signal-to-noise or whether a particular line is actually detected. This allows us to treat detections (including saturated systems) and non-detections in a uniform manner. We find that in the lines of sight passing through localized density structures, absorption lines of low, intermediate and high ions are present in the spectrum and overlap in velocity space. To our surprise, all of the ions can be combined to derive the line of sight (LOS) mass-weighted properties, although the ions are not co-spatial. In lines of sight that go through the hot halo, only HI and high ions are present. In such lines of sight, the absorption lines are typically broad due to the complex velocity fields across the entire halo. We show that the derived gas density, temperature, and metallicity match closely the corresponding HI mass-weighted averages along the LOS. We also show that constraints on HI and OVI together with upper limits on NV and/or NeVIII, can in principle provide constraints on the properties of the hot halo itself.

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C. Liang, A. Kravtsov and O. Agertz
Tue, 3 Oct 2017

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