Solar Multiple Eruptions From a Confined Magnetic Structure [SSA]

How eruption can recur from a confined magnetic structure is discussed based on the {\it Solar Dynamics Observatory} (SDO) observations of the NOAA active region 11444, which produced three eruptions within 1.5 hours on March 27, 2012. The active region had the positive polarity magnetic fields in the center surrounded by the negative polarity fields around. Since such a distribution of magnetic polarity tends to form a dome-like magnetic fan structure confined over the active region, the multiple eruptions was puzzling. Our investigation reveals that this event exhibits several properties distinct from other eruptions associated with magnetic fan structures: (i) a long filament encircling the active region was present before the eruptions; (ii) expansion of the open-closed boundary of the field lines after each eruption suggestive of the growing fan-dome structure, and (iii) the ribbons inside the closed magnetic polarity inversion line evolving in response to the expanding open-closed boundary. It thus appears that in spite of multiple eruptions the fan-dome structure remained undamaged, and the closing back field lines after each eruption rather reinforced the fan-dome structure. We argue that the multiple eruptions could occur in this active region in spite of its confined magnetic structure because the filament encircling the active region was adequate for slipping through the magnetic separatrix to minimize the damage to its overlying fan-dome structure. The result of this study provides a new insight into the productivity of eruptions from a confined magnetic structure.

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J. Lee, C. Liu, J. Jing, et. al.
Tue, 15 Aug 17

Comments: 12 pages, 4 figures, published in ApJL